Saturday, May 31, 2008

Kierstyn and the tooth....

I was at home about to run down to Nic's to join the girls while they were swimming. Laura calls me and tells me that Kierstyn has lost her tooth and is very upset. I run down there and sure enough her first baby tooth has come out and lost in the pool! We only realized yesterday that it was loose! All the kids and dads looke for a good while, but it did not turn up.

We have written a note to the tooth fairy asking her to please go look in the pool for her tooth. I am sure she will find it :*)
We finally convinced Kierstyn that "she" would be able to "find" the tooth in the pool and that she would still get her money.

to be continued....


Kerry Kern said...

Been there and done that before, Kelton lost his tooth while showing it to someone and the tooth fairy understood and he got his reward!!:)))

Kerry Kern said...

Thanks for my comments you left, Kelsey does not go to school in Slaton she goes to Roosevelt, we moved her at the end of her 6th gr yr, she will be a Freshman now, Kelton still goes to Slaton he will go to 3rd gr here and then we will move him as well, so they are both attending the same school!