Saturday, September 12, 2009

The Challenge!

Well after enjoying my time with my family, I had a hard and long week keeping up with the challenge. I gained .6 as of yesterday morning. I didn't get to go to the gym either. I am finding it very hard to be a single mom during the week with Nathan gone. Getting everything done and try to make it to the gym just isn't happening. Maybe I can work my schedule out better this week. I am playing with a couple of options. I am down 3.2 pounds at this point, but hopefully I can move my little person in my banner farther down the trail by Friday!


Anonymous said...

You can do it!!! I know it is hard, but you will get in the groove... I think you are doing great so far. We all have hard weeks. Thinking of you!! Tanna

Anonymous said...

Hang tough!!! i hope we didn't sabotage your challenge too much. Loved being with you.
